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I felt as though this might just be the perfect day for me to get the best cam chat. I had a look and something told me to check this out and sure enough, I found myself staring at one hot cam girl. I was a little late to her cam show but I still […]

The Kind of Girls I Really Like

What other people think of me shouldn’t hold much weight in my personal life, but it does. I worry way too much about status, and about looking like my life is awesome. I want my family to approve of my girlfriends and I want a pretty girl on my arm who other guys check out, […]

Valuing Pussy More than Friendship

I have never bought into the whole “Bros before Hos” concept. Sure it’s fun to say, but if a nice enough pussy is put in front of me, I can become a traitor real fast. I thought I had more integrity than that, but I was recently tested and found out just how disloyal I […]

Keep Me Company

I’m recently divorced. I get lonely. Very lonely. And horny. That’s how I ended up at CamBB. I was just thinking one night I would watch a little porn. It’s been a very long time since I had even thought about looking at a woman other than my wife naked. But she’s gone and I […]